Comprehensive Training. Superior Results.

Strength and Conditioning

The vision of a champion is someone
who is bent over, drenched in sweat,
at the point of exhaustion when no one else is watching.
~Anson Dorrance~

Good training for young goalies happens well before you step on the ice.  Many times, unless you are a goaltender, the training requirements can be confusing for the position.  Where other players on the ice might require brute strength, a goalie requires flexibility, agility, balance and focus. 

Old School Goal School understands your goalies unique needs, on and off the ice.  The off ice program is designed by Brian to focus on:

  • Strength Training ( age appropriate)
  • Conditioning
  • Flexibility
  • Hand/Eye Coordination
  • Skill Development

Drills focus on quick feet, plyometrics, body weight exercises, agility, balance and focus.

To learn more about training your goalie, contact us.

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